Friday, September 20, 2013

Three clicks of my heels...take me home to...the art room!

It has been a very educational three weeks for me.  I have learned a lot about orgainzation, time management and well more about my own teaching style and my comfort zone than ever before.  We were in need of a classroom to house a 5th grade classroom while their modular classroom was being built.  Unfortunately, it took longer that everyone thought and school started and we were short a classroom.  So my art room was borrowed by the 5th graders.  That put me mobile.  I traveled to each classroom to teach them art.  Truely, this is how my own elementary art teacher came to teach us art a couple 25 years ago.  I learned how to be uber organized, taking everything that I needed with me. I that my brain had a very difficult time remembering names even though I knew the students, but I was in a different classroom each time.  I learned how empathetic my colleagues and friends are.  I learned how much we need our own space to do our job well.  It is difficult to occupy someone elses space and feel completely comfortable.  It is difficult to turn a general classroom into an art room in 5 minutes.  Through all the difficulties, I have learned a bunch and am thankful for the experience.  Even more thankful, however, to be back in my classroom.  Now we can make messes...and clean them up---while still making and sharing beautiful artwork!

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