For the past three months, one Friday and Saturday each month has been devoted to learning more about literacy in our primary classrooms. Our main focus has been on the "workshop" model from renowned author and educator Lucy Calkins.The following is my final project.
Classroom teachers use "mentor texts" in the classroom when introducing different types of writing genres. I chose a fantastic book by Sara Fanelli that was shared with us during one of our discussions. I had originally chosen a different book "The 3 Ninja Pigs," but fell in love with this books message and knew that my 4th graders would love this concept. Little did they know they were creating an amazingly personal work of art by simply sharing what is important to them.
The book does not share a story of words but as you flip the pages of the book, the reader is taken on a journey of different places the author shares a "map" of. A couple examples include, a map of my tummy, a map of my day, a color map and of course my favorite and the kids, a map of her heart.
A map of my day.
A color map.
A map of my heart.