Saturday, April 20, 2013

6th Grade Landscape Pattern Zentangles

During the beginning of the year, pattern shows it self as a review item in our curriculum.  This year I have scaled my projects down a bit to find out if students take less time and produce better quality. This project measures 6x6 square (a very common size in my classroom).  Our time together in the classroom is an hour a week, therefore less surface area equates to using time wisely...I hope.  So for this project we talked a little bit about perspective and how things should look if they are closer and further away, we also talked about how the separation of space draws your eye to certain areas of your artwork.  Then came the "have to's."  Students had to have a sky and some sort of ground area that was divided into at least 5 areas.  I also explained to them that each area needed to be filled with a difficult 6th grade ability level pattern.  Additionally, I gave them a handout from a book I have on zentangles that outlined some new and difficult multiple step patterns.  Lastly, they used Sharpie, my favorite tool.  I think they enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed watching them take their time and create beautiful landscapes.

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